American Natural Cement Conference 3: Syracuse, NY


September 5-8, 2007

Syracuse, New York and the Erie Canal

In association with

Wednesday, September 5

2-5 pm ~ Session 1: Masonry Fundamentals Short Course*: Tiffany Ballroom, Genesee Grande (3 AIA/CES LUs*)

The Basics of Masonry and Natural Cement Kenneth Uracius, Stone and Lime Imports

6-8 pm ~ Opening Reception and Keynote Address (2 AIA/CES LUs*)
Introduction Jeffrey M. Chusid, Cornell University Welcome Cynthia Field, President, SPHC Syracuse and the Canals Dennis Connors, Onondaga Historical Association

Thursday, September 6

8:30 am ~ Breakfast: Tiffany Ballroom, Genesee Grande

9 am ~ Plenary Session: Tiffany Ballroom, Genesee Grande The Race to Discovery Michael Tomlan, Cornell University

10 am ~ Session 2: History: Tiffany Ballroom, Genesee Grande Perspectives on the American Natural Cement Revival: ANCC1 & 2 Leya Edison, Rosendale Natural Cement Totten, Cummings and McKee Jeffrey Chusid, Cornell University Military Fortifications: Lessons Learned Douglas Cubbison, Fort Drum

11:30 ~ Session 3: Locating and Understanding Natural Cement: Multiple Sites Luncheon Tour and Demonstration: Syracuse, the Weighlock Museum and the Jamesville Quarry John Walsh, Testwell Laboratories, and Kenneth Uracius, Stone and Lime Imports

2:30 pm ~ Session 4: Technology: University United Methodist Church What We Do and Don’t Know Norman Weiss, Columbia University Using the New ASTM Standards Michael Edison, Edison Coatings, Rosendale Natural Cement Panel Discussion: Ethics of Restoration and Future Directions for Research

4:30 pm ~ Evening on One’s Own

Total AIA/CES LUs for Thursday: 6.5*

Friday, September 7

9-4 pm ~ Session 5: Significant Sites in Cement History and Use Bus Tour to Fayetteville and the Erie Canal Demonstration project at Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum Contemporary Case Study of Natural Cement

Bus leaves Genesee Grande hotel at 9 am, arrives at Syracuse Hancock Airport at 4 pm and the hotel at 4:30

Total AIA/CES LUs for Friday: 6.5*

Saturday, September 8

8-4 pm ~ Natural Cement Hands-on Workshop* (8 AIA/CES LUs*)

* separate registration required

* similar credits will be available for Professional Engineers.